Litter Pick-Up Support

Why Pick-Up Litter?

Dedicating just a moment of time to collect litter can help make a significant impact on the environment and our local community. Beautifying public spaces not only creates an enjoyable environment for us as humans, it also protects the health of wildlife, plant life, waterways, soil, and ecosystems.

Keep Maury Beautiful has been instrumental in helping the Spring Hill community address it’s growing litter issues. With the Executive Director, Melissa LaForest’s support and guidance, volunteers, clubs, and city leaders have held numerous cleanups which have become regular monthly events.


How It Works

Picking up trash from your neighborhoods, streets, and parks is a great way to contribute to the health of our local environment. In addition to suggesting areas in need of a clean-up, we loan the following items at any time of the year by request:

  • Safety Vests

  • Pickers

  • Gloves

  • Road Signs

  • Trash Bags

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan